Lawrence County Museum of History

Lawrence County Museum of History & Edward L. Hutton Research Library

A Way to Remember


The memory tree remained on display through the COVID19 pandemic.

Yellow Ribbon Memory Tree

A bell was tied with a yellow ribbon in remembrance of each Lawrence County citizen who died during the historic COVID-19 pandemic.

The number was updated weekly.

By Oct. 5, 2022, two hundred and seventy-two (272) Lawrence County residents had died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When museum visitors saw the Yellow Ribbon Memory Tree, it became a reality check on how the COVID-19 virus permanently affected our community. It was startling to see the large number of bells and ribbons and realize each one represented an unnamed fellow citizen.

Several people commented that they appreciated the memory tree, valued what it represented and what was lost locally.

The memory tree was located in the front window of the museum gallery and the signage could be seen from both inside and outside the gallery.

Inspiration: Museum board member, Becky Buher, wanted to find a way to remember Lawrence County people who, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, were no longer with us and to honor the lives lost so they wouldn’t be forgotten.

Tony Orlando and Dawn’s hit song in the 1970s, “Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Ole Oak Tree” kept coming to her mind, as did the 1946 movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” In the movie every time a bell rang, an angel got his wings.

Combining those two thoughts, for over two years, a bell was tied with a bow of yellow ribbon for each Lawrence County person who died during this historic pandemic.

Times Mail newspaper story Jan. 28, 2022 : Lawrence County museum tree preserves memory of lives lost due to COVID. Go to:


929 15th Street, Bedford, IN 47421  |  (812) 278-8575  | | Tues-Fri: 9-4, Sat: 9-3